#!/bin/mksh@freenode, 23:30-32:30 14/5/2013 GMT+8
20:12 < igli> urgh, no "POSIX character class support in globbing"?
20:23 -!- igli [~igli@fu/coder/igli] has quit []
21:10 < mirabilos> of course not
21:10 < mirabilos> POSIX sucks ;)
21:11 < mirabilos> to implement *that* I'd have to add…
21:11 < mirabilos> let me look
21:12 < mirabilos> roughly 23K data and 1K text, maybe more.
21:12 < mirabilos> and roughly 630K source
21:12 < mirabilos> boring autogenerated tables
21:13 < mirabilos> for comparison: mksh in total is roughly 1200K at the moment, 160K of which is manpage and 338K of which build and sample stuff
21:14 < mirabilos> so less than 700K code
21:14 < mirabilos> so it would about double the code